Im not saying were less sexual than men, because I know thats not true. But its kinda a depressing thought to think how much harder we have to work for our bodies than men do. Not only with sex but with maintenance, cleanliness, health and just trying to stay away from pregnancies. Men have it a lot easier when to comes to our reproductive organs.
Another thought I've had on my mind a lot is how nice it would be to not live in a world that depends so much on money, politics, and technological advancements. Living the simple life. How nice would it be to just live in a civilization thats more reliant on living naturally. I think everything is just getting too complex and one day computers are going to eventually kill off the human race. (Isn't it ironic I'm a graphic designer and yet I cant stand computers?!)
Im 21 years old and Im already in debt. WHY? In America we have no choice. Its either, go to college and grow debt, or get a really shitty minimum wage that isn't even a livable wage. We depend on money so much that health isn't even taken into account anymore. And is there hope for change? Yes, maybe but Im sick of depending on our leaders for change. We can only do so much to change things in this country and were going to have to wait years for things to start looking up. I don't think life was meant to be all about stress and success. I know life is here to indulge and to make memories with all your loved ones but I feel like all we do in our modern day society is turn into these money hungry drones, myself included.
I have an idea... ill just become amish. What do you think?
reminded me of this:
.. which im totally sure you've heard/seen before.
ugh i have! i used to have bukowski on my ipod. which im going to now download again.