Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Simple Life.

I heard on the radio a very interesting perspective about a women's sexual drive that is a total lie in American society. The illusive orgasm is something thats really challenging for a lot of women to have. Most women do not orgasm through sexual intercourse and that unfortunate percentage of women even find it challenging to have an orgasm through oral. The way I saw it before was that only some women have challenges but 75% of women don't orgasm through intercourse and 25% of women don't experience an orgasm at all. I've grown up watching women always achieve orgasms through intercourse through the media and was raised thinking that its not normal if you don't but it is! Why? It makes sense. It was made this way for a reason and thats because if all women achieved an orgasm as easily as a man did, then we would want to have sex more. Which leads to STDs and more babies, which we definitely don't need.  Im not a spiritual person but thoughts like this make me think of how perfectly the human race was planned out or established. 

Im not saying were less sexual than men, because I know thats not true. But its kinda a depressing thought to think how much harder we have to work for our bodies than men do. Not only with sex but with maintenance, cleanliness, health and just trying to stay away from pregnancies. Men have it a lot easier when to comes to our reproductive organs. 

Another thought I've had on my mind a lot is how nice it would be to not live in a world that depends so much on money, politics, and technological advancements. Living the simple life. How nice would it be to just live in a civilization thats more reliant on living naturally. I think everything is just getting too complex and one day computers are going to eventually kill off the human race. (Isn't it ironic I'm a graphic designer and yet I cant stand computers?!)

Im 21 years old and Im already in debt. WHY? In America we have no choice. Its either, go to college and grow debt, or get a really shitty minimum wage that isn't even a livable wage. We depend on money so much that health isn't even taken into account anymore. And is there hope for change? Yes, maybe but Im sick of depending on our leaders for change. We can only do so much to change things in this country and were going to have to wait years for things to start looking up. I don't think life was meant to be all about stress and success. I know life is here to indulge and to make memories with all your loved ones but I feel like all we do in our modern day society is turn into these money hungry drones, myself included. 

I have an idea... ill just become amish. What do you think?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Art Show: Papershapers

Hey I did this roughly on Facebook but I wanted to introduce you to the Papershapers art exhibit that is showing now to May 2, 2009 at the Scion Installation Gallery in Culver City. Theyre all robot intilations that are make up of paper. 

"Papershapers is a group show featuring ten artists who work with paper, not "on paper." The exhibition will feature works that are cut, torn, folded, and sewn into unique creations."

So I haven't had a chance to check it out yet due to a hectic Easter weekend but Im going to be attending it sometime this week. It looks incredible and very modern so you should check it out. 

In addition, there are more exhibitions on this site:  Scion Space  for you to check out. 

This is the very rough edition of my new blog. I decided that I need to venture out from Live Journal considering its on the verge of extinction and no one is on that ancient weblog anymore. (Except maybe Rosalyn, haha)  Myspace and Facebook have taken over, which I hate because its based all around quizes and profile images and nothing remotely intelligent. Facebook is the new Myspace and soon Facebook will annoy to the point of a termination so I really need something new. 

I find myself having thoughts about men and my maturing adulthood and career decisions that I want to share with other women but never have the resources to.  So ill write in this and see how it progresses. 

Other than that thats all I have to say for my intro blog! More to come soon. :]